53 combat positions, a large number of heights of enemy were taken under control

During the resolute response measures carried out by Azerbaijani Army, Armenia’s provocation was prevented, and several commanding heights of strategic importance were taken under the control of Azerbaijan’s Army.
Within the framework of the operation, 2 S-300 5N63 IYR radars, 3 S-300 5P85 BQ launchers in the direction of the Gorus region and Novruzlu (Kakhnut) settlement, and 2 S-125 RTS-125 in the direction of Basarkecher region and Ashagi Garanlik (Martuni) settlement radar belonging to Armenian armed forces, as well as numerous live forces were destroyed, they have injured ones.
In total, 53 combat positions, 2 mortar firing positions, a large number of heights of the opposing side were taken under control, the permanent deployment point of the 538th separate transport brigade located in the direction of Zod, the starting positions of 2 units of S-300 and 2 units of S-125 divisions were destroyed.